Fern Wong is a self-taught artist visual with Down syndrome, whose interdisciplinary practice seamlessly blends drawing and paper-cutting techniques that resonate deeply with the inherent patterns in the natural world, echoing themes that have fascinated humanity for centuries. In her first solo exh...
An exuberant outburst of hues will greet visitors when they step into group exhibition Kaleidoscope! Named after the Greek etymology of the word – Kalos (beauty), Eidos (form), and skopeo (to examine) – this group exhibition by 22 young artists is an exploration on colour theory and its many applica...
Embark on a profound exploration of two leading artists who have indelibly shaped the cultural narrative of Singapore – Cultural Medallion recipient Chng Seok Tin (莊心珍) and Young Artist Award recipient Raymond Lau Poo Seng (劉富生). In this duo solo exhibition titled A Journey Through Time, take a deep...
From the award-winning playwright that brought you Boom and Everything but The Brain, Jean Tay’s SmartyPants and the Swordfish is a compelling immersive, interactive and inclusive theatre play that delves into Singapore’s history while taking a constructive look at the issue of bullying. With acclai...
Turning Points chronicles the defining moments within the artistic practice of three artists with disabilities – Deaf photographer Isabelle Lim, mixed media artist with Down syndrome Fern Wong, and autistic artist Kenneth Lee. Curated by John Tung, highlights a pivotal moment of change within their ...
Connect and create with persons with disabilities in a music and arts festival unlike any other. Presented by ART:DIS as part of the Enabling Lives Festival, UN:SEEN VOICES encourages more to look beyond the disability label and to acknowledge the person instead. Through exciting activities conducte...